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An age of Revival

Revival 1081 Views


After three nights of Revival at Harvest Praise, this morning my heart was turned towards the many prophetic words that were delivered by Pastor Nix. After a while God reminded me of the word that He placed in my heart at the second night. "This can either be a three day revival, or, the beginning of an age of revival". As He so often does, He chose to expound on the point with me and I hope to relay that word to you today.

Jdg 6:3  So it was, whenever Israel had sown, Midianites would come up; also Amalekites and the people of the East would come up against them.

Jdg 6:4  Then they would encamp against them and destroy the produce of the earth as far as Gaza, and leave no sustenance for Israel, neither sheep nor ox nor donkey.

In the above scripture the enemy of the people of Israel would come down and take or destroy all of the fruit of the field and in particular they would "leave no sustenance for Israel" . The Hebrew word for the word used here "sustenance" is "Yaw-bal" which when fully translated means "to revive". So in essence the enemy would come in and steal the revival of the nation. They never showed up to steal the seed of the harvest but came when the plants were fully cultivated and ready to yield the sustenance. The enemy came between "Seed" and "Revival".  Later in verse 10 the prophet of the Lord came and told the Israelites "Jdg 6:10  Also I said to you, "I am the LORD your God; do not fear the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you dwell." But you have not obeyed My voice.' "  The enemy was allowed to steal the revival of the Israelites because they have not heard and obeyed the voice of the Lord.

Harvest Praise has received a seed of Revival this week. If we want to carry that past the seed and into sustenance we will have to "Hear" and "Obey" the Word of the Lord. So how does that look? It looks like a church praying and continuing to seek God's face.  We must hear and obey, then we will be able to go as mighty men and women of God in the strength that God has given us. The Church in Revival is what we are, not a three day event, that is the image that we will present to the world. 

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